Dahlia Tuber Eyes 101

March 31, 2023 2 Comments

Dahlia Tuber Eyes 101

Let's explore what dahlia tuber eyes are, why they're important, what they look like, and how to find them.

What Are Dahlia Tuber Eyes?

Dahlia tuber eyes are the small growth points or buds from which new dahlia plants sprout. Each dahlia tuber has one or more eyes, and these growth points are essential for the successful growth of new dahlias. In a nutshell, without the eyes, a dahlia tuber won't produce a new plant.

Dahlia tuber eyes.Why Are Dahlia Tuber Eyes Important?

The eyes are the starting point for new dahlia plants, so without them, your tubers won't sprout or produce any blooms. Don’t worry if you happen to accidentally knock of the sprout of an eye, it’ll regrow.

Dahlia tuber eyes

What Do Dahlia Tuber Eyes Look Like?

Dahlia tuber eyes can be a bit tricky to spot, especially for those new to growing dahlias. They often resemble small, round bumps or slightly raised areas on the surface of the tuber, near the crown (where the tuber connects to the stem). The eyes may be whiteish to pinkish or reddish in color, but they can also be a similar hue to the rest of the tuber.

Identifying dahlia tuber eyes.How to Find Dahlia Tuber Eyes:

Finding the eyes on a dahlia tuber can be a bit challenging, but overtime, you'll get the hang of it. Here are some tips to help you locate the eyes on your dahlia tubers:

  1. Look Near the Crown: The eyes are usually located close to the crown, so start your search in this area.
  2. Inspect the Surface: Carefully examine the surface of the tuber for any raised areas, tiny buds, or pinkish/reddish spots.
  3. Remove Excess Soil: Gently remove any excess soil from the tuber to reveal hidden eyes. Be careful not to damage the eyes in the process.
  4. Use a Magnifying Glass: If you're still having trouble finding the eyes, use a magnifying glass to get a closer look.
  5. Wait for Sprouting: If you can't find the eyes, don't worry! Sometimes, the eyes aren't visible until the tuber begins to sprout. In this case, wake it up by providing an environment at least 65F.

Dahlias grown at Rooted Flowers.Dahlia blooms at Rooted Flowers.By learning what the eyes look like and where to find them, you'll be well on your way to growing stunning dahlias in your garden. Happy gardening, and may your dahlias bloom abundantly!

2 Responses

Bren Haas
Bren Haas

June 13, 2023

This is a great post – I love growing dahlias in my home garden. I was wondering if you have ever had a single tuber grow to produce a bloom in the first year? Thanks for your help. I can’t wait to try this growing tip.

Diana Nylen
Diana Nylen

April 03, 2023

Thank you for sharing as always very helpful 👍

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