April 03, 2023 532 Comments
We finished shipping dahlia tubers over the weekend and have a whole bunch of leftover tubers that need to be shared. It’s the perfect opportunity for a little giveaway!
To enter:
You must reside in the United States for shipping purposes.
Make sure you leave email when prompted in the comment section below so we can reach out to you.
Tell us what you’re looking forward to the most in this upcoming season.
We’ll be drawing a dozen names Thursday (4/6/23) afternoon and then mailing out packages of some of our favorite dahlia tubers early next the week (including Peaches N’ Cream!). Good luck!
CLOSED! Congratulations to Alison C, Lois K, Sarah B, Kristine Q, Jocelyn W, Jane Stanton, HoneyLush Blooms, Debra P, Kristina P, Britney D, Marlene C, and Brittany S.
April 17, 2023
I’m looking forward to walking through my flower garden in the early summer mornings with a hot cup of coffee and watching the bees sleeping cozily inside my dahlia petals.
April 06, 2023
April 06, 2023
I love dahlias. One of my favorites for the cutting garden!
April 06, 2023
Looking forward to growing the new dahlias I have.
April 06, 2023
I’m looking forward to walking around my yard watching the progress of my perennials coming back and coming up with new ideas. Also, I can’t wait to look out my windows and see more colors.
April 06, 2023
Love watching your stories! I am looking forward to growing our delivery side of the business and am determined to hit the six figure mark this season.
April 06, 2023
Looking forward to expanding my pollinator garden!
April 06, 2023
My favorite part of spring is when everything blooming. I dug up the ground around my peonies, hoping they will bloom this year.
April 06, 2023
I’m looking forward to my new cutting garden as well as the new varieties of beggies i’m growing this season!
April 06, 2023
Growing up in Southeastern Vermont and visiting your “bin” many times the last few years, I have now ventured to Fargo, ND.
I would LOVE to watch a little piece of home pop up on my back deck of my new apartment. Something to look forward to after this extremely cold, blizzardy winter (we got a foot of snow two days ago)!
April 06, 2023
I am looking forward to exploring the outdoors with my two little babes. I love showing them things I loved doing as a child. Gardening just so happens to be one of them.
April 06, 2023
I’m excited to get my seedlings in the ground and to try my hand at my first cut flower garden this year, alongside my veggies!
April 06, 2023
Looking forward to my garden. Growing lots more dahlias and sunflowers! Now if the sun would just decide to come out that would be great. #pnwproblems
April 06, 2023
I am excited for my birthday later this month, having the sun come out, and enjoying the better weather
April 06, 2023
I’m excited for the tulips to blooom!
April 06, 2023
Im looking forward to warm weather and all the flowers blooming!
April 06, 2023
I’m super excited for spring flowers!
April 06, 2023
I am really looking forward to spending time in the garden with my son. He has been given his on plot this year to grow what he would like. I can’t wait to share that time together.
April 06, 2023
I’m looking forward to digging into my first garden this year! I’ve had my eyes on dahlias for years and now I finally have to space to plant them.
April 06, 2023
Looking forward to lots of pretty flowers!
April 06, 2023
I am most looking forward to spending a lot of time outside with my 9 month old, husband, and dog!!
April 06, 2023
Looking forward to the warmer weather and waiting for flowers to bloom!
April 06, 2023
Lost my job last month, looking forward to some time off and enjoying days outside not stuck in an office behind a desk :)
April 06, 2023
I just bought my first house in northern CT and i am more focused on planning my garden than i am figuring out what i will sit on. I will have actual garden space not in pots for the first time in my 20 years of gardening and i cannot wait to plant so many amazing flowers! I grew dahlias last summer in pots and they did really well so i will be doing that again.
April 06, 2023
Looking forward to new ideas to fill my planters!
April 06, 2023
Growing flowers and giving them away to friends & family
April 06, 2023
I’m looking forward to fly fishing and helping people find the right trees for them at my nursery job!!
April 06, 2023
Filling my house with your beautiful fresh flowers as I’ve been doing for the past few seasons!
April 06, 2023
Sweet giveaway! I’m looking forward to expanding the garden substantially and having a really fruitful year
April 06, 2023
I am looking forward to spending time with my 16 year old daughter who has fallen in love with plants and gardening this past year !!
April 06, 2023
This is actually the first year that I am growing most of my flowers by seed, so I’m excited to see how that experiment turns out! I’m also hoping to grow some dahlias in containers this year.
April 06, 2023
Can’t wait for some soil therapy! Digging my hands into the dirt and helping all things grow.
April 06, 2023
Looking forward to treating myself to your beautiful flowers
April 06, 2023
Love love love all flowers but there is something special about the dahlias!
April 06, 2023
I’m looking forward to planting & growing the new tubers I just received from you.🌸
April 06, 2023
I’m looking forward to making bouquets with my two beautiful daughters. Also grilling some great food and relaxing with my husband.
April 06, 2023
I’m looking forward to moving into my new house and taking some time off :)
April 06, 2023
Looking forward to rows and rows of dahlias to enjoy, to give away in bouquets as a Growing Kindness Ambassador and to bring beauty into my community! Thank you for sharing, your generosity is appreciated!
April 06, 2023
I’m looking forward to spending time gardening with my grandchildren. They love digging and planting with me.
Also, can’t wait to separate and transplant my perennials.
Would love to grow some dahlias from tubers, usually buy them already blooming.
April 06, 2023
This is the first time I’ve lived in my own home long enough to plant perennials. I’m so excited to grow more flowers this year!
April 06, 2023
I am excited to be offering my first bouquet subscription this year and seeing my flowers in more homes, and seeing more smiles on people’s faces.
April 06, 2023
I am excited to be offering my first bouquet subscription this year and seeing my flowers in more homes, and seeing more smiles on people’s faces.
April 06, 2023
Looking forward to trying new things!! Growing new things and sharing them with my family and friends!!
April 06, 2023
I am looking forward to feeling warmer days and seeing the flowers bloom, the grass get greener and the leaves on the trees.
April 06, 2023
Looking forward to our first harvest of Stock & Ranunculus from our new high tunnel installed last December! 🤞
April 06, 2023
Looking forward to visiting the shop and learning more tips throughout the season.
April 06, 2023
I am excited to get all my seeds in the ground and warmer weather!!
April 06, 2023
Every Spring it feels like a reset. A chance to start fresh again….to learn and grow right along side the sprouted new seedlings. Looking forward to all the challenges…the successes and the failures. Nothing goes as planned and that’s part of the beauty knowing that no two years are ever the same. Trying new things and continually learning. Like the saying goes, when you know better you do better.
April 06, 2023
I look forward to getting outside and enjoying all thing’s sunshine and dirt!
April 06, 2023
Summer 2023 will have so much to look forward to. I am especially excited to eat a double scoop of salted caramel ice cream in a waffle cone from my favorite little country store, celebrate 10 years of marriage, host flower U-Picks, see freckles from the sun on my kiddos’ noses, and maybe (finally) finish a book…. These are in no particular order 😜
April 06, 2023
I can’t wait for warmer weather and my second year with Dahlias. I ordered from you last year and the tubers multiplied like crazy! Hope my dividing works well and produces even more. Thank you for introducing me to the joy of Dahlias!
April 06, 2023
I’m looking forward to my snapdragons to come back for their second season! I saved 100s of seeds to fill my garden beds again!
April 06, 2023
I’m looking forward to warmer weather, revamping our backyard, and my birthday!
April 06, 2023
Im looking foward to spending as much time as possible with my family before my brother moves to Japan for the Air Force and selling my flowers at the farmers market for the first time this summer!
April 06, 2023
I’m looking forward to long days, warm sun, cool pool and playing in my garden!
April 04, 2023
Looking forward to another season of seeing my favorites grow and also trying out some new (to me) varieties!
April 04, 2023
I’m looking forward to becoming a mom next month!! And to having a summer on maternity leave where I can play outside with my newborn, family, and friends.
April 04, 2023
I’m most looking forward to going to the beach this summer! And getting my hands in the dirt, of course.
April 04, 2023
I am most excited to grow sunflowers and dahlias….and spend time with my niece and farm animals and hopefully visiting Rooted in person 💗
April 04, 2023
I can’t wait to watch my girls roam and run up and down the rows of blooms this year. Our garden grows more magical each year but this one feels especially special since I’m starting my own flower farm!
April 04, 2023
I am looking forward to warm weather and getting my hands dirty in the garden. Thanks for doing a giveaway!
April 04, 2023
I am most looking forward to starting a brand new vegetable and flower garden at our new house. Inch by inch and row by row.
April 04, 2023
I am looking forward to warm weather, sunshine and your beautiful flowers.
April 04, 2023
I’m looking forward to “trying again” this year as I left last year feeling defeated. It was a painful learning curve, but we don’t learn without mistakes though 😅 I’m super excited about the new flowers I’ll be growing and the connections I’ll be making with people. I love being able to share beauty with people
April 04, 2023
Such a fun giveaway! Thank you!!
You have an incredible collection! Would especially love the change at Peaches N Cream!🤗
April 04, 2023
I’m looking forward to warm weather less rain and flowers blooming.
April 04, 2023
I’m looking forward to getting my vegetable and flower seeds in the ground! I have also never grown dahlias before and have been obsessed with them for three + years! Hope this is the year for me!!!
April 04, 2023
This will be my second year flower farming, and I’m most looking forward to putting into practice all those hard lessons I learned last year. Farming is so different from gardening.
April 04, 2023
One of the most exciting things about Spring is the explosion of color and fragrance that comes with blooming flowers. From vibrant tulips and daffodils to fragrant cherry blossoms and lilacs. The beauty of spring flowers lifts spirits and inspires creativity!
April 04, 2023
I’m looking forward to growing in a new garden after buying a new home this winter!
April 04, 2023
This will be the first summer that my youngest will be walking and playing and I can’t wait to spend it with both of my little girls making the most special memories! Especially growing flowers and munching on fruits and veggies from our garden together :)
April 04, 2023
I’m most looking forward to getting rid of a lot of lawn to make way for more flowers! As a former flower farmer now living on a city lot, the more the merrier!
April 04, 2023
I’m already enjoying the early flowers in my garden and look forward to the waves of blooms that will happen in the coming months. My husband calls it “rolling thunder”, quite apt I think.
April 04, 2023
I’m looking forward to seeing my early season planning paying off so that I get better yields from my flowers this year and more dried flowers for the off-season. This is my second year growing flowers and I’m hopeful that it’ll be better then last year.
April 04, 2023
Can’t wait to grow flowers with my new baby girl this year! You have always been a huge inspiration to me as you farm with your sweet girls in tow :) and now your little guy too! Congrats!
April 04, 2023
Learning the joy of cut flowers from my
Mom, who started her little flower stand last year. Dahlias are just the most beautiful flower!
April 04, 2023
I’m excited to try my hand at growing flowers to fill my home and friends’ homes all season long! The warm weather is so precious here in New England!
April 04, 2023
Hi Becky! I am most looking forward to building my greenhouse on our property this year! It has been a longtime goal to recycle old wooden windows I’ve gathered over years to build my dream greenhouse! I so admire your farm and hope one day to grow into a little flower farm myself. In the meantime I’m learning so much from your blogs!
April 04, 2023
Sunshine, hands in dirt, planting my flowers and sitting on my deck !
April 04, 2023
I am most looking forward to my first year with my cut flower garden and all of the learnings! I am so so excited for all my dahlia flowers. I am starting some from seed and some from tubers – would love a tuber from Rooted Flowers!
April 04, 2023
I am so ready for the warm and beautiful Spring weather! I can’t wait for the green leaves/grass and the bright colors of the flowers!! It’s my favorite time of the year!
April 04, 2023
Looking forward to spending warm days in the garden with my son and watching our flowers bloom!
April 04, 2023
Can’t wait for Spring and all the bright colors and sounds of nature. Looking forward to making stops at all our favorite farm stands in Western Mass!<3
April 04, 2023
I’m looking forward to have warm weather and an explosion of colors in my garden. I moved a lot these past few years but I always take the few plants I own with me, as I get emotionally attached to every single one of them and to the beautiful landscape they create for me,.the hummingbirds and the bees !
April 04, 2023
I am looking forward to having some plants this year and teaching my kids how to garden
April 04, 2023
I am looking forward to warmer weather and our first spring/summer as a family of three. I cannot wait to watch my little girl explore outside more now that warmer weather is coming. Hoping to start growing a long-awaited garden of things we enjoy to see!
April 04, 2023
I’m looking forward to fresh cut flowers in my house and hopefully including some dahlias in the bunch!
April 04, 2023
I am excited for my newly expanded cutting garden this year. I have several new flowers picked out and I’m starting many of them from seed which is very rewarding!
April 04, 2023
This is my first “true” growing season. I dabbled last year with a few seeds just to make sure I could do it. What has been really exciting for me is the confidence boost. From being able to do the hard labor (preparing a growing space by hand), seeing my seeds germinate and waiting for all beauty to come. The added bonus is it’s ok to “fail” because you can try again. Love showing my daughters this side of me too! Thank you for all your informative posts!
April 04, 2023
Dahlias are my favorite cut flower in my garden every year. I would love to add some new varieties to my garden this year!
April 04, 2023
I’m looking forward to growing a few new-to-me flowers.
April 04, 2023
I’m looking forward to warm weather and watching my garden grow. I love growing beautiful flowers. Congratulations on the baby!
April 04, 2023
Looking forward to sunshine and LOTS of flowers!!
April 04, 2023
I’m looking forward to being outside and just enjoying all the flowers I’ve planted!
April 04, 2023
I’m excited to try dahlias for the first time this spring! I started adding cut flowers to my veggie garden this last year and love having new armfuls to deliver to the bagel shop my husband and I own here in Virginia, for our breakfast customers to enjoy!
April 04, 2023
The warm sunny days are within reach! I can’t wait to hear the bees in the garden, outdoor showers to wash of the day’s hard work, picking flowers with my niece and the splash of color in my life again.
April 04, 2023
Can’t wait for the popping up everywhere. Especially when I forget what/where I planted everything. Every spring is a happy surprise!
April 04, 2023
I am excited for buckets of flowers!!!!
April 04, 2023
Excited for new seed trials this year!
Unable to post at this time.
March 06, 2025
There’s nothing quite like this time of year—the thrill of sowing thousands of seeds for our curated specialty cut-flower plant collections, knowing that each one holds the promise of a stunning, garden-grown display.
March 02, 2025
Discover how our seed-to-bloom approach creates lush, organic wedding florals that reflect your unique story. From a tiny seed to a full-bloom masterpiece, every petal is grown with care right here in Western Massachusetts—ensuring your big day is as naturally beautiful as the love you’re celebrating.
February 18, 2025
Leading up to Valentine’s, the farm buzzed with a joyful energy as we harvested and arranged armfuls of blooms brimming with care. While it may look like work to others, to us it’s pure delight—each bouquet is a chance to share a little love from our fields to someone’s home.
We a family-run speciality cut flower farm growing in the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts.
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© 2025 Rooted Flowers. © COPYRIGHT ROOTED FLOWERS LLC 2024
Jonah smith
April 17, 2023
Helping my wife build her dream garden!