Dahlias | Giveaway

November 02, 2022 209 Comments

Dahlias | Giveaway

Rooted Flowers Dahlia HarvestEach spring we plant one individual tuber. These potato looking fingers grow more within the soil, so that by fall, we can dig them up and divide. One tuber might yield 6 or more new tubers that can then again be planted. This process repeats itself every year.

Rooted Flowers dahlia dividingNothing about harvesting dahlia tubers is short work. It takes us weeks to get everything out of the ground and prepared for winter storage. Every clump is hand dug with a pitchfork, rinsed, cured, divided, and finally, put into storage where they receive daily checks.

Rooted Flowers Dividing Dahlias
We've worked hard over the past year to increase our stock and have a greater supply. A few notable newbies are the Dahlia Heirloom White, Dahlia Black Magic and the queen Dahlia Cafe Au Lait!


Dahlia Heirloom White Dahlia Black Magic Dahlia Cafe Au Lait
Customer favorites include Dahlia Linda's Baby, Dahlia Rock Run Ashley,  Dahlia Peaches N Cream and Dahlia Daisy Duke. 


Rooted Flowers Dahlia Linda's Baby
Rooted Flowers Dahlia Favorites
Our favorite fall trio is Dahlia Ivanetti, Dahlia Cornel and Dahlia Cornel Bronze. 


Rooted Flowers Dahlia Fall Favorites
Your chance to snag some of these varieties and more is this Saturday, November 5th @ 10 AM EST in the Online Shop. Each order will contain planting instructions and ship (U.S. residents only) early April once the risk of cold damage has passed.


Rooted Flowers Dahlia

CLOSED! Congratulations to Sabrina! Winner receives a box of a dozen your-choice dahlias from our collection. To enter, simply leave a comment below and share what new flower varieties you hope to grow this year.

*Please note, this giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. The winner will be announced Saturday, Nov 5th before the sale. 


100 Responses

Peggy Gino
Peggy Gino

November 05, 2022

Every year I learn more and more about dahlias which fuels the fire to keep on growing these labor intensive ladies. Thank you for sharing your tutorials .. every year gets a little easier. Rock Run Ashley was my favorite new carpet of 2022 and hoping to add Daisy Duke this year!

Eileen McCarthy Mendonca
Eileen McCarthy Mendonca

November 05, 2022

I’m hoping to get Rock run Ashley, Crichton and senior’s hope to add to my collection.
When a dahlia is involved it’s hard to have restraint. I really want all of them!🌸💕


November 05, 2022

I love dahlias, so I’m looking forward to some new varieties, but for something totally new, I’m hoping to add some ranunculus.


November 05, 2022

Anything pink and cafe au lait!

Amphee Johnson
Amphee Johnson

November 05, 2022

I’m looking forward to plant labyrinth this coming spring I just love how it resembles the sun the petals that looks like flaming fire yet looks sweet and innocent for its fluffiness.

Amphee Johnson
Amphee Johnson

November 05, 2022

I’m looking forward to plant labyrinth this coming spring I just love how it resembles the sun the petals that looks like flaming fire yet looks sweet and innocent for its fluffiness.


November 05, 2022

I hope to plant one of each variety you have listed. I have none of these varieties in my garden. They are a just stunning especially labyrinth.


November 05, 2022

I’m loving Daisy Duke for this year, as well as Sweet Natalie and Cornel.


November 05, 2022

I’m loving Daisy Duke for this year, as well as Sweet Natalie and Cornel.

Rachel K
Rachel K

November 05, 2022

I’m crushing on Clearview Peachy and Crichton Honey!


November 05, 2022

I’m really eyeing dahlia cornel to grow this year!

Jennifer K
Jennifer K

November 05, 2022

I am hoping to add Dahlia Heirloom White and Dahlia Rocco to the Rooted varieties I planted this year. My fingers are crossed for good luck with my first attempt to harvest and store my current tubers over the winter. I am so pleased at how they all grew this season – I picked my last Sweet Natalie bloom just yesterday, how the flower escaped the frost is a mystery to me! ❤️

Anna Harper
Anna Harper

November 05, 2022

I really Like the dahlia labyrinth


November 05, 2022

I am looking forward to adding new varieties of dahlias into our PYO flower field.

Brandi Full
Brandi Full

November 05, 2022

I’m new too Dahlias! I’m excited to try all the coral/peach colors! Daisy Duke is the top on my list!!


November 05, 2022

I would love to grow Rock Run Ashley next year!!


November 05, 2022

I love Ivanetti and the Cornel Bronze… and of course Cafe Au Lait is always a fave!

Jane Potter
Jane Potter

November 05, 2022

New this year will be allium azureum and allium summer bells which I am planting amidst the wonderful tulip bulbs I ordered from you. And ranunculus. There can never be enough ranunculus! I am also trying to harvest some of my own seed from red lime zinnias and Lauren’s grape poppies. Such exquisite beauty- all of it.

Alexandria Thompson
Alexandria Thompson

November 05, 2022

Long time follower here! Grew a few varieties for the first time this past summer! Looking forward to hopefully snagging some sweet Natalie’s & Labrynth!


November 05, 2022

I want to plant ALL the Dahlia’s! However, to start, I will probably plant Black Magic and Dahlia Labyrinth


November 05, 2022

Next year I plan on growing roses in my garden. It’s so hard to choose one variety of dahlia, as all of them are so beautiful! But I love Dahlia Labrinyth, Siera Glow, and or Black Magic.

Briananichole B
Briananichole B

November 05, 2022

Next year I plan on growing roses in my garden. It’s so hard to choose one variety of dahlia, as all of them are so beautiful! But I love Dahlia Labrinyth, Siera Glow, and or Black Magic.

Briana B
Briana B

November 05, 2022

Next year I plan on growing roses in my garden. It’s so hard to choose one variety of dahlia, as all of them are so beautiful! But I love Dahlia Labrinyth, Siera Glow, and or Black Magic.

Amelia Pires
Amelia Pires

November 05, 2022

I just bought 13 acres in Central MA to grow flowers (well to live and grow flowers haha).
My hope is to someday have a hobby farm and a farm stand that includes flowers. This is going to be my first year trying to grow dahlias and I’m excited to see how it goes.


November 05, 2022

Love all your beauties ♥️ Hoping to add Labyrinth to my collection next year!


November 05, 2022

Love all your beauties ♥️ Hoping to add Labyrinth to my collection next year!


November 05, 2022

I’ve started with all hand-me-down tubers that are a mystery. (I think I’ve figured some of them out, but I’d like to compare in person next season!) I wonder if one of them is ‘cornel bronze’ 🤷‍♀️

After stumbling across your dahlia tuber sale, I’d absolutely love to try ‘ice tea’ and ‘daisy duke.’ ‘Ivanetti’ and ‘Rocco’ would be fun additions too!

Looking forward to sharing more blooms with friends and family next year! That YOU for sharing tuber with whoever wins! Dahlias are such a treat! Always multiplying- perfect for sharing!


November 05, 2022

I LOVE dahlias (and live near the Sierra Mts), and am really excited to add Sierra Glow to my collection this year 😊


November 05, 2022

I LOVE dahlias (and live near the Sierra Mts), and am really excited to add Sierra Glow to my collection this year 😊


November 05, 2022

Hard to pick a favorite but I would have to go with Dahlia Labyrinth…stunning!!!

Amanda F
Amanda F

November 05, 2022

Looking to add more purples and pinks for next season!

Rebekah Tufts
Rebekah Tufts

November 05, 2022

I’m looking forward to getting Sierra Glow, Daisy Duke and Clear view Peachy. They are such beauties! I think they world perfectly compliment the colors I already grow.

Ashley Dufraine
Ashley Dufraine

November 05, 2022

Peaches and cream is one that would be incredible to add. Absolutely loved labyrinth which I got from your tuber sale last year. So productive and beautiful, love the color transitions on flowers.


November 05, 2022

Peaches and cream is one that would be incredible to add. Absolutely loved labyrinth which I got from your tuber sale last year. So productive and beautiful, love the color transitions on flowers.

Michele Morningstar
Michele Morningstar

November 05, 2022

I have been entrusted to do wedding flowers for a dear friend next fall. This will be my first big event and I’m a nervous wreck. Hoping to add oranges, burgundy, and blush dahlias to my collection to match her palette.


November 05, 2022

Love Linda’s Baby & Ivanetti 😍😍 would love planting any of these beauties!


November 05, 2022

Love them all!!! The Cornel Bronze is stunning!


November 05, 2022

I am excited to try anything that will make Grandma smile and she loves her dahlias! She adores her flower garden but can’t do as much as she did so now we help.


November 05, 2022

They all look fantastic! I will definitely try heirloom white and linda’s baby, among others


November 05, 2022

Dahlias are my favorite! ❤️ so much work but worth it!


November 05, 2022

I am hoping to to add the beautiful Black Magic this year! 😍

Susan Hendricks
Susan Hendricks

November 05, 2022

Dahlia Rock Run Ashley flowers are my favorite for 2 reasons:
1. They are gorgeous
2. My daughter’s name is Ashley so the Dahlia is named after her.
But frankly all the Dahlias are beautiful and I would love them all in my garden!

Angela f.
Angela f.

November 05, 2022

Can’t wait to try Seniors hope and pink Sylvia this year!

Kimberly Chang
Kimberly Chang

November 05, 2022

We’ve been intimidated by Cafe Au Lait previously but with two seasons under our belt we’d love to try it next year!


November 05, 2022

I’m hoping to grow bloomquit mojo and bracken rose 😍

Chiqui Bacallao
Chiqui Bacallao

November 05, 2022

I grew my very first dahlia plant last season and now I am totally hooked. Such a beautiful flower and this is coming from someone who already grows orchids and many other blooming plants. I’m preparing a bed in my backyard just for the dahlia tubers and looking forward to the beauty and peace these plants will bring.


November 04, 2022

Loving the Labryinth! Beautiful leaf structure. Can’t wait to learn more through your site & pick up a few new tubers for next year. Thank you!


November 04, 2022

Those Rocco and Black Magic are gorgeous! I’ve got a new plot of land so I look forward to planting anything or maybe everything🤷‍♀️
Dahlias would be a wonderful addition to our planned flower beds and my all time favorite; marigolds around the veggie garden.


November 04, 2022

One of my big producers this year was peaches and cream which came from Rooted ! Excited to add more pinks like Sweet Natalie and Critchon honey.


November 04, 2022

Hoping to add Dahlia peaches n cream to the garden this year.


November 04, 2022

Love watching all that you and the girls do on the farm 💕 excited to add Labyrinth this year


November 04, 2022

I’d love to add peaches and cream


November 04, 2022

I love dahlias and have been growing them for about 10 years. During the pandemic one of the things that brought me joy was flowers! So I dug up my front and back lawn and planted a 5×16 raised bed and filled it with dahlias. As I was working in my gardens people would stop by and tell me how the garden uplifted them and how they made our street a place they walked by every day. I would often ask them which was their favorite dahlia and then I would cut them a bouquet. Dahlias brought immense joy to many. I hope to spread that love to as many people as I can. You can never have enough dahlias!


November 04, 2022

Saw your post on FB and your site looks so organized. Im a beginner Dahlia grower and is having a hard time which one to choose. I just love them all. Pinkish and orange peach is where I tend to fall this year and of course all the CALs.


November 04, 2022

I’m looking forward to some cool season flowers from seed like pansies and marigolds that I’ve started from seed. As far as dahlias I’m hoping to add a few new to me varieties like Clearview Peachy and Rock Run Ashley.

Jessica Adamik
Jessica Adamik

November 04, 2022

I would love to grow Black Magic next to Heirloom White for the contrast!

Samantha McCrimon
Samantha McCrimon

November 04, 2022

How beautiful are these flowers!!! I would love to grow Ivanetti and Linda’s Baby!

Adaris  Pickett
Adaris Pickett

November 04, 2022

Pick me! I am planning to plant tulips and ranunculus this upcoming Spring and would be thrilled to win and plant dahlia tubers!

November 04, 2022

Such gorgeous dahlias. I’ve been dying to get my hands on some peaches and cream for this coming year. Also high on my list are Crichton Honey and Cornel Bronze.


November 04, 2022

I am just starting a flower garden in hopes of growing it over the years. I know nothing about Dahlia’s other than they are beautiful. I would love a variety to get my flower garden started. Thanks!


November 04, 2022

I can’t wait for the release this Saturday ! When my boyfriend and I purchased our first home last year my mother introduced me to dahlias ! She had given me a fair share of her own. I had planted them not knowing which ones were which until I was surprised with their blossoms. That’s when My obsession for Dahlias started ;) I’m hoping to be able to purchase some new pastel varieties that we can add to our collection

Laura Johnson
Laura Johnson

November 04, 2022

Dark Magic, Sweet Natalie and Ivanetti! I am also on the lookout for Late. Absolutely love your reels.👏

Summer School Gardens
Summer School Gardens

November 04, 2022

Everything you have is so lovely.

Kathleen marinaccio
Kathleen marinaccio

November 04, 2022

I can’t wait to try plant the tubers next season from the dahlias I grew this year. I didn’t have a great yield for my first time, so next year will surely be better! I will also stick with my good old classic zinnias, sunflowers, and bachelor’s button.


November 04, 2022

I love dahlias! I’m looking at adding the Sweet Natalie! She is a beauty!

Jenn Johnson
Jenn Johnson

November 04, 2022

So this was my first year ever growing dahlias and I’m hooked! I ordered from the sale last year and loved my sweet Natalie and Labyrinth!!! I’m hoping to snag a few cafe au lait this year!!! Thanks for the awesome tubers and the help with dividing and storing for this newbie!!

Marsha McCreary
Marsha McCreary

November 04, 2022

Would love to grow Dahlia Black Magic and the queen Dahlia Cafe Au Lait!


November 04, 2022

My Sweet Nathalie tested positive for TSV so I’d live to replace it, it was one of my favorites. Then again many of your varieties are beautiful!


November 03, 2022

I’d love to add Cornell bronze to my garden. Dahlias are my absolute favorite. Are there any variety that bloom earlier in the year?

Karen Amato
Karen Amato

November 03, 2022

I am fairly new to dahlias – only started growing a few a couple of years ago – but now they are my favorite! I just love all of the different types, sizes, and colors! This year I’m hoping for Pink Sylvia, Senior’s Hope, and Rocco! Maybe Sweet Natalie too since my baby niece is named Natalie.


November 03, 2022

Love your flowers! So pretty! This year I grew some dahlias from seed…. Love the mystery and surprise of each bloom!


November 03, 2022

I absolutely love your flowers, especially when my daughter brings them for me by surprise! There isn’t a color I could say, is my favorite! I am also very interested in learning how to start my own because there’s nothing better than vase or container of fresh flowers, waiting for me when I come home at night


November 03, 2022

I am really hoping I can get my peonies to bloom this year.


November 03, 2022

I’m looking forward to hopefully growing some heirloom white and Sierra glow.

Beyond dahlias, I’m really looking forward to growing tulips (from Rooted) for the first time!

Lisa G
Lisa G

November 03, 2022

This was my second year growing dahlias. I have many reds, so would love to add more pinks and oranges. I’ve got my eye on Cafe au Lait, Peaches & Cream, Sylvia, and Linda’s Baby.


November 03, 2022

Most excited to finally have a dedicated flower garden to grow all varieties!


November 03, 2022

Planted cornel and peaches and cream last year and I’m obsessed with them! Can’t wait to add more next spring!

Vickie Newberry
Vickie Newberry

November 03, 2022

I’m excited to grow new dahlia colors this year!!!


November 03, 2022

I love all dahlias. I’ve grown them for about 8 years. My daughter in law has grown your tubers and they are just beautiful. So I would be happy for any of the tubers:)

Catherine fournier
Catherine fournier

November 03, 2022

I love any of the dahlia in the autumn colors. Just used some orange ones from you for wedding bouquet. Was gorgeous !

Danielle Sullivan
Danielle Sullivan

November 03, 2022

I would love to incorporate more varieties of dahlias into my gardens. They were a favorite of my late father ❤️

Lee Chang
Lee Chang

November 03, 2022

Love your posts and story! We grew Peaches N Cream and Labyrinth this year which were great. Looking forward to trying to grow Cafe Au Lait!


November 03, 2022

Oohhhh! All so pretty. I recently retired so I am leaning toward Senior’s Hope!

Marianne Curling
Marianne Curling

November 03, 2022

Want to try Labyrinth, Cornel Bronze and Siera glow. New to dalias!

Lisa Ditlefsen
Lisa Ditlefsen

November 03, 2022

I’m so looking forward to peaches n cream and labyrinth!

Janette Hall Cummings
Janette Hall Cummings

November 03, 2022

This will be my first year growing flowers to well. I’m really looking forward to growing cut flower dahlias, I’ve only ever grown the short border dahlias. I love all the varieties, but Labyrinth look so interesting and beautiful.


November 03, 2022

I just came across your farm today on FB. What a beautiful family. I assisted with a wedding this year, where the focal colors were orange and reds. It turned out gorgeous. I don’t grow these colors dahlias so I would love to add orange and reds to my collection.


November 03, 2022

Hmmm….I would love to plant Linda’s Baby, Rock Run Ashley, and Texas plume celosia.

Brooke Hoffman
Brooke Hoffman

November 03, 2022

Could I please have two of each!🤣. Dahlias are all so pretty. I would love to plant Linda’s Baby & Daisy Duke.


November 03, 2022

golden scepter! My love adores things that are yellow and what better way to show affection then by growing flowers in that color!


November 03, 2022

Your Dahlia’s are spectacular! Top fave’s: Cafe Au Lait and Labyrinth.


November 03, 2022

I am so excited about your varieties! Hoping to add rock run Ashley and black magic! Even my husband is excited about black magic.. he thinks it would look great with fall bunches!!


November 03, 2022

I don’t know that I have a favorite just yet! I love them all! I’m a beginner grower so seeing all the beautiful varieties is so exciting!you can’t go wrong with Dahlia’s, they are all beautiful!


November 03, 2022

I LOVE CAL early in the season when it’s more purple, but Labyrinth stole my hearth this year.

Caitlin Meredith
Caitlin Meredith

November 03, 2022

I can’t wait to add Rock Run Ashley, Linda’s Baby, and Jowie Winnie this year!


November 02, 2022

Hi! I’m so excited to try more dahlias this year, my dahlias are more in the purple colors so am hopefully to get more pinks/blush/oranges! I love ice tea and sweet Natalie, and rock run Ashley!


November 02, 2022

I’m looking forward to adding Cornel and Ivanetti next year! Can’t get enough of those fall colors!

Jazzy Kraemer
Jazzy Kraemer

November 02, 2022

There are so many on my wish list but I’d love to get my hands on a daisy duke, Linda’s baby, labyrinth, and brown sugar. But I’m happy with them all the more the merrier! Also I’d love to try a hand at growing lisianthus and eucalyptus.


November 02, 2022

Definitely Labyrinth!

Sabrina Welsh
Sabrina Welsh

November 02, 2022

Oh my gosh, we planted the Sweet Nathalie and Senior’s Hope this year and they were EXTRAORDINARY!! We would love to try the Cormel and Ivanetti if possible, those colors are sensational and would really pop in our garden. Your plants and flowers are always sensational, thank you for the educational Instagram and all the tips! Can’t wait to see the sale on 05 Nov.

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